Technical English 1 Course Book Pdf 16 EXCLUSIVE
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During my preparation phase I was already facing two distinct opinions regarding the English coursebook Technical English 1: My future Lao English teacher-colleagues, who had quite a negative attitude towards the coursebook on the one hand, and Prof. Martin on the other hand, who had spent quite some time in the summer of 2016 reviewing dozens of coursebooks on Technical English together with the first LGTC volunteers Lena Wink and Denise Burkhardt (Team III). They had finally chosen this course book. I was sensing that there was a lot of work to come.
Shortly after our arrival in Vientiane, we held our first English teachers meeting, in which we did not only talk about our work at the LGTC, but also about the ongoing concerns and struggles of the English teachers in their English lessons which had already been mentioned back in Weiherhammer. Although the teachers had worked with the international course book Technical English 1 by Pearson for almost one year by then, they still felt overwhelmed and were not satisfied yet. These were their concerns:
After creating the first draft, I started meeting up with the English teachers, which also included Ms Viengkhom Phyathep and Ms Akina Yadsadahuky, every Thursday afternoon to forward this project. My goal was to hopefully facilitate and establish satisfaction and confidence in teaching with the Techncial English 1 course book. As our regular workloads increased with this project, I realised it would need more official support and a more general standing, so we informed Mr Khamsavay Gnommilavong, the Acting Director of the LGTC, that we would make the structure of the course plan the topic of a workshop for all English teachers.
In order to make the content accessible for our Lao students, we need to provide the students with additional material and customise the content. In order to do this, we studied and evaluated each exercise, task, or activity in Technical English 1 to see which struggles and problems could appear, and then adapted those parts accordingly: We decided which parts to leave out and where to provide extra material. For extra material, we used the course book Top Notch, which had been newly chosen by Prof. Isabel Martin for the general English classes of the volunteers, as guidance.
The information part (1.1.) includes goals and lists of activities, tasks, and exercises taken from the course book & workbook, lists of additional material, grammar topics, list of vocabulary & phrases (which is an additional list because we added and took some words out), and possible difficulties.
The grammar topics of each unit are explained accurately and in a detailed way so the English teacher can revise the grammar him- or herself, and everyone teaches the same. Of course, the grammar pages are provided in the back of the course book as is normal (for a Western course book), but I figured it would be more helpful for the Lao teachers to have all the necessary information in one place, i.e. in our folder.
In this section all the new vocabulary and phrases of the unit are listed (word list, phrases list). It includes the vocabulary listed in the back of the course book by Technical English 1, but we added what the English teachers and volunteers felt was of relevance.
1 I believe this attitude arose for several reasons, which are quite normal for such a huge step in the project. First of all, working with an international course book that includes three different books was a new concept for the Lao English teachers. Also, there was a misunderstanding on the German side, and the wrong book was used at first, which really was unsuitable. In my eyes, this just points out how important intercultural awareness is, and it shows how much time, effort, patience, and perseverance of all teams involved it has taken to settle the Technical English 1 course book in this College routine. 2b1af7f3a8