Pluralsight ? Game Environment Concept Art Fundamentals ((EXCLUSIVE))
The Entertainment Technology programs are robust and fast-paced. We bring industry-leading faculty to the classroom to support you over the course of your program. You will gain hands-on experience working in real-world environments to take your projects from concept to production. You will walk away with a professional portfolio and may participate in internships with industry partners when available.
GAM 207 Info Tech and Digital Games Introduction to digital games and information technology covers game genres and platforms, interface design, game implementation, artificial intelligence, business economics of the game industry, game marketing and design, e-collaboration, and e-commerce. Students learn how to use software packages to design and implement digital games and how to use the Internet to market and distribute digital games. The course includes a project which will culminate in the conception, design, and prototype of an original digital game. The course is designed for students who have an interest in IT and games, including original game concepts, design and implementation, and executive leadership in the game industry. Knowledge of computer programming is not required.
IT207 Info Tech and Digital Games Introduction to digital games and information technology covers game genres and platforms, interface design, game implementation, artificial intelligence, business economics of the game industry, game marketing and design, e-collaboration, and e-commerce. Students learn how to use software packages to design and implement digital games and how to use the Internet to market and distribute digital games. The course includes a project which will culminate in the conception, design, and prototype of an original digital game. The course is designed for students who have an interest in IT and games, including original game concepts, design and implementation, and executive leadership in the game industry. Knowledge of computer programming is not required.
GRA401 Character Design This course will involve a combination of concept, texturing, digital sculpting and 3d modeling to create characters that would appear on both mobile and current generation consoles. Students will learn a proven pipeline used in the gaming industry to bring a concept to creation and ready for game implementation. The course will begin showing students how this pipeline works in combination of different types of software following a given concept. They will have the understanding of how specific software works along the path of the pipeline to create a character. Students will then be asked to create their own concept following the techniques used in class to present a finished game character for their final project.
GRA311 Environmental DesignIn the first half of this course students will be introduced to a pipeline for the creation of environments inside of agame studio. Students will be shown how to use reference drawings and images to help build props and environmentpieces. Students will also be shown how these assets can be used, not only as standalone assets but to createother bigger picture assets when used as a modular set piece. Then the students will digitally sculpt environmentassets from references provided to them. When the sculpting phase is finished the students will learn howto build a game model from their digital sculpt. Students will then create the textures that will be used for a finalrender. In the second half of this course students will be able to go through this same pipeline but instead of usingprovided artwork, they will create something from their own imagination.
GRA211 Interactive Animation This course focuses on programming capabilities to enhance graphic animations and user interfaces to provide spectacular interactive results. Those benefiting from this course include students in game development, advertising, marketing, education, web development, art and other fields that can benefit from interactive animated graphics helping to convey concepts. The course is intended for those with no programming experience as well as those with some programming background. The use and creation of animations will be covered at a level of interest to both those new as well as experienced. The results can be displayed by a browser from the internet or as standalone results displayable on a range of operating systems. This is a hands on computer based course in which the students create a number of individual projects based on their interests and capabilities, focusing on creativity and programming aspects of interactive animation. The course utilizes emerging technologies in interactive animation.
GRA311 Environment Design In the first half of this course students will be introduced to a pipeline for the creation of environments inside of a game studio. Students will be shown how to use reference drawings and images to help build props and environment pieces. Students will also be shown how these assets can be used, not only as standalone assets but to create other bigger picture assets when used as a modular set piece. Then the students will digitally sculpt environment assets from references provided to them. When the sculpting phase is finished, the students will learn how to build a game model from their digital sculpt. Students will then create the textures that will be used for a final render. In the second half of this course students will be able to go through this same pipeline but instead of using provided artwork, they will create something from their own imagination.
GAME110 Drawing Techniques II This course builds on Drawing Techniques I implementing design concepts and techniques that are used to create assets for games. Students will be given the opportunity to study figure drawing, perspective, character and environment design from concept to presentation form.
GA225 Advanced Illustration Techniques: This course builds on techniques learned in illustration fundamentals. Topics include the use of various media to develop advanced illustration skills. Perspective drawing and figurative illustration skills are developed through use of color, line and texture to present conceptual designs and ideas.
GAD101: Introduction to Game Development: This course will introduce the student to basic game theory (including game play and strategy) as well as the historical development of all types of games (sports, board games, video games, etc.) as they were affected by world and market conditions. In addition, the specific history of the video game industry will be examined, as will the overall processes involved in developing a video game from basic concept to selling the proposal to production and marketing.
GAD312 Game Design and Game Play: A well-designed game is an integration of artistic and technological components that must have a clearly defined goal, set of game criteria and rules for game-play. Students learn the fundamentals of what makes a game enjoyable, playable, challenging, and marketable.
GAD413 Team Production I: In Team Production I, students enter begin working on a game development team. They will create a game concept, game schedule, art bible, game design document, and playable prototype.
GADA312 Game Animation Students explore game specific animation and how it is applied in interactive environments. This course will also evaluate creative solutions to handle limitations unique to individual game engines.
MAAA252 Background Design and Layout: This course focuses on the fundamentals of background layout with an emphasis on perspective, composition, design basics, staging, mood, texture, and lighting. You will utilize foreground, mid-ground, and background design elements to create an environment for a short animation or game concept.Most animation and game level backgrounds are designed as building interiors or exteriors and contain characteristics common to interior design layouts and exterior landscapes. This course provides the opportunity for students to create architectural interiors representing houses, buildings, and entire worlds contained under a roof, in which to place their animated or game characters.
GD310 Managing Game Development: This course offers an overview for the game design process, from the concept phase to the final delivery phase. Topics include project management and game design documents.
GD320 Physics of Animation:This course introduces concepts for simulating the real world in a virtual game environment. Topics include simulating gravity, simulating friction, modeling acceleration and velocity, trajectories, kinematics and motion control, collision detection and response and object mass displacement.
GD345 C++ Programming for Game Developers: This course provides an introduction to object oriented computer programming framed in the technical aspects of game programming. Students will apply the following concepts of variables, control structures, functions, arrays, data types, classes, inheritance and polymorphisms as they build a series of games.
GD350 Game Design Strategies: This course explores game design concepts, such as challenge, reward, penalties, game balance, level of difficulty, artificial intelligence, game genres and the social aspects of gaming. A group project involves designing a simple 2D computer game.
GD440 Capstone Project: Each student will be assigned to a team to design a game approved by the instructor. The project content will involve several areas of study from courses in the program and the use of project management technique, including concept paper, design document and prototype of their game idea. 2b1af7f3a8