Image Comparer 3 8 Keygen Generator
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A secure cryptosystem for gray images based on chaos is proposed in this paper. The cryptosystem utilizes an improved sine map as a key generator and a diffusion function for changing pixel values of the plain image. Firstly, we have designed the improved map which has better performance than the standard sine map in terms of key space range, complexity and chaotic substantiality. Improved sine map yields continuous chaos that provides chaotic keys at output all the time. Hence, the map avoids discontinuous chaotic behavior which arises in standard sine map. Generated key is not only sensitive to the control parameter and initial condition of the improved map, but also strongly depend on the plain image characteristic, therefore proposed scheme can resist statistical attack, differential attack, known-plaintext attack and chosen-plaintext attack. To get higher encryption strength of the cryptosystem, the diffusion process is iterated with different keys in every iteration. Theoretical analysis and simulation results are satisfactory and confirm that the proposed image cryptosystem has high level of security and effectively encrypts and decrypts the gray images with different sizes as well. 2b1af7f3a8